Our Opportunities

Opportunities Table
Award Name Actions
up to $5,000 CAN - AAUW/Ethel Gayman Endowment Fund
This scholarship, awarded by the American Association of University...
$7,000.00 CAN - AAUW/Kathleen A. Smith Memorial Scholarship Fund
This scholarship, supported by the American Association of University...
Varies CAN - Achievement Scholarship
Any Canada student may apply for this scholarship.
Two SMCCCD students will receive a $1,000 scholarship CAN - AFT 1493 Union Scholarship Fund
This scholarship is for a student who is full time, part time,...
$1,000.00 CAN - Anne Marquart Scholarship
This scholarship is for a working student with demonstrated financial need.
Varies CAN - Anthony Giraudo Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is a team spirit award given to a student athlete on...
Varies CAN - Arthur McGee Scholarship
In memory of Arthur McGee, a long-time volunteer tutor and friend to...
Varies CAN - Arts & Olive Scholarship Fund
This scholarship is for graduating high-school seniors, continuing...
$3,050.00 CAN - Assistance League of San Mateo County Scholarship
The Assistance League of San Mateo County Scholarship is for students...
$343.75 CAN - Associated Students of Canada College Leadership Award
This scholarship is to recognize students who have made significant...
Varies CAN - Atkinson Foundation Scholarship
This scholarship is for low-income, deserving new or continuing students...
Varies CAN - Barbara McCarthy Scholarship
This scholarship fund is for continuing students pursuing a career in...
Varies CAN - Beverly Travlos Scholarship
The Beverly Travlos Scholarship funds are directed toward students...
$1,500.00 CAN - Big Smile Scholarship
This scholarship was established in memory of the donor’s uncle whose...
varies CAN - BLACH/ELS Construction Scholarship
This scholarship is for a student majoring in STEM and with a minimum...
Varies CAN - Black Student Union Scholarship
This scholarship is for one continuing Canada student with an interest...
$1,000.00 CAN - Briana Scholarship
The Briana Scholarship shall be awarded annually in partnership with the...
Varies CAN - Bridging Hispanic Minds to Success Fund
This scholarship is for a part time or continuing student with a minimum...
$0.00 CAN - Bruno and Kathleen “Be” Carnovale Scholarship
This scholarship is to help students improve their ability to more fully...
$500 CAN - Business and Entrepreneurship Club Scholarship
The Business and Entrepreneurship Club of Cañada College is pleased to...
Varies CAN - Canada Accounting Scholarship Fund
This scholarship is for a continuing or transferring Canada College...
Varies CAN - Canada College Honors Transfer Program Fund
This scholarship is for a full time, part time, continuing or...
Varies CAN - Canada Community Scholarship Fund
This scholarship is for a deserving Canada student who has overcome...
Varies CAN - Canada Fashion Department Scholarship Fund
This scholarship is for a continuing student who is in the Fashion...
Varies CAN - Canada Learning Center Scholarship Fund
This scholarship fund is for both continuing and transferring students...
$1,000.00 CAN - Cargill Scholarship
Thanks to one of our generous donors, Cargill, this scholarship is made...
$500.00 CAN - Carl E. Ward Scholarship Fund
This scholarship is for a continuing student enrolled in 12 or more...
VARIES CAN - Cañada Book Scholarship Fund
This scholarship is for a continuing or transferring Cañada student of...
$1,000 CAN - Cañada STEM Scholarship
This scholarship is intended to assist a fulltime continuing or...
Varies CAN - Charles R. Plunkett Scholarship Fund
Named in memory of a teacher of English, this scholarship is for Canada...
Varies CAN - Christine Ryland Scholarship Fund
This scholarship is for an incoming, continuing or transferring Canada...
Varies CAN - Christopher Blackwell Scholarship
This fund is for scholarships for students whose major is science or...
Varies CAN - Classified Senate of Canada Fund
This scholarship fund is for two continuing students at Canada with...
$2,500.00 CAN - Connie Barthold Scholarship
This Scholarship is for a new or continuing Canada student. No GPA...
$1,000.00 CAN - Constance Marshaye Hartley Scholarship
One CalWORKs/CARE student from either Skyline, College of San Mateo or...
Varies CAN - Craig Hoffman Memorial Fund
In memory of Craig Hoffman, who was a member of Canada�s faculty, this...
$333.00 CAN - CSEA Chapter 33 Scholarship
This scholarship is sponsored by CSEA (California School Employees...
Varies CAN - Dale and Helen Mersereau Scholarship
This scholarship is for Canada students on the basis of financial need...
$500.00 CAN - Danny Carlos Memorial Scholarship
Danny Carlos was a Redwood City resident, husband, father and former...
Varies CAN - Darryl Usher Memorial Scholarship
In memory of Darryl Usher, son of Alma Usher, a classified staff member...
Varies CAN - Diana Aguirre Owens Memorial Scholarship
In memory of Diana Aguirre Owens, this scholarship is for two graduating...
$5,000.00 CAN - Dorothy Howard Scholarship (AAUW San Mateo Branch)
This scholarship is for a transfer student.
Varies CAN - Dr. Genevieve H. Cory Interior Design Scholarship
This Canada scholarship is for a continuing full-time or part-time...
$500.00 CAN - Dr. Steven Shire Memorial Scholarship
The Dr. Steven J. Shire Memorial Scholarship is awarded each year to the...
Varies CAN - DRC Kulzer Family Scholarship
This scholarship is for a continuing or transferring DSPS student to...
Varies CAN - ECE Student Scholarship Fund
This scholarship is for students who have declared Early Childhood...
$2,000.00 CAN - Edward Barthold Scholarship
This scholarship is for a new or continuing Canada student. Minimum GPA...
$0.00 CAN - Eleanore D. Nettle Scholarship
Named after a long-time Trustee of the District, this scholarship is to...
Varies CAN - Elizabeth Armstrong Scholarship
This scholarship is for transfer students. Students must be accepted for...
$2,000.00 CAN - Elizabeth Egan Scholarship in Art
This scholarship is for a continuing or returning student majoring in...